An Explorer s Curse in English Fiction Stories by Rahul Thaker books and stories PDF | An Explorer s Curse

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An Explorer s Curse






All the characters, places, incidents and adventures narrated in this novel are totally fictions. It has been totally imaginative of the author.

There is no any resemblance of anything of this novel to the history.

This has been created for entertainment of readers only.

Prologue 1497 AD (DIU - India)

"Jesus Christ. This place is cursed. This Goddamn place is really cursed. Hurry up crew members and leave this place as soon as possible." The captain of the ship screamed towards his team members.

“But captain please cool down and catch your breath. Please try to understand that we have found the biggest discovery in the history of mankind. This could change our lives forever. How we could leave it unattained?" The man who was the second in command to the captain argued.

"Look Vasco. It’s true that you have discovered it and you have every right to own that miracle but wait and look at yourself. Just register the changes happening to yourself just after your adventures with your discovery. Thus believe in my words. Please leave this horrible place and join us on the ship “Captain said with the authority.

Vasco was not in the best of his mind. He just looked at himself and examines the changes happening to him. He realized that the captain was telling the correct things. For the split second, he decided to follow his command's order and leave this place but in next fraction of time he again thought otherwise.

Vasco took the long breath and almost shouted towards his captain "With due respect Sir; I would like to be with my discovery. I will not come with you"

"OK. It seems that, you have been overpowered by your findings. Well than it’s your choice and I would not interfere in your matter." Captain replied and move towards the ship which was ready to sail in the sea.

All the crew members took the stands on the deck. They have been waited for the order from their captain. Vasco was watching them from the shore.

The captain climbed on the deck and shouted "So Vasco, good bye. May the Lord Jesus be with you?”

"Mark my words captain I am the next Lord.” Vasco laughed


Present Day / Diu

The time was one past midnight. Two male drunk tourists were roaming in the fort road of the Diu town.

The fort road which stars from the bus stand of the town and it ends at the most famous monuments of the town, the famous Fort of the Diu .The road run parallel to the bay. One edge of the road has the long water body while the opposite side has many hotels and restaurants.

The two drunken tourist now have passed the lines of the hotels and now they were approaching towards the end of the road, towards the fort.

Just before the fort, there is a small garden. The garden is too situated on the banks of the bay and ad joint to the fort. It has small area of grass loan with few benches and some play area for the children.

Two drunken have now just passed the gate of the garden. The area was totally dark and lonely. There were no any activities were registered nearby.

Due to the alcohol they both were not able to concentrate on anything. They have forgotten were their hotel was and they could not identify the building. Their steps were not in rhythm and they have handed each other's arms for the support. The surrounding blackness was adding to their miseries.

And at that time they hear some strange noises coming from the dark garden.


Some strange noises were coming from the garden near the fort.

The two drunken men heard the noises and went towards the source of the voices.

The noise was very loud and could chill the spine. It was like a sound of stone has been crushed in the stone crusher machine. With each set of noises, the soil also seems trembling.

It sounds like a broken machine. It also sounds like in the some disturbing echoed manner. That was in addition of the darkness making the atmosphere a horrible place.

The drunken went inside the garden. They both seem frightened by the environment. They were looking here and there but could not locate anything.

The voices were coming nearer and nearer and they could not locate its source .The feeling of fear and frustrations were coming on the same time. They wanted to run but their legs could not support their desires.

All of the sudden hey felt that someone is standing just behind them.


The drunken felt that someone is standing behind them.

One of them, who had took the less drinks and have some conscious compare to his partner slowly turned to his behind but saw nothing. Just the darkness nothing else.

His partner who was now literally trembling and could not able to stand properly wanted to say something but could not place the sentence. . After hard efforts he said with the broken Tung “Yaaaar! Ahh... Let. S. go ...from here."

Before his partner could answer, again they here the noises coming from their backside.

The less conscious drunken turned his backside and saw the source of the voice.

What he was totally unthinkable and unbelievable.

A giant stone man was standing there. He wore traditional Portugal outfit, with the sailor cap and compass in his one hand. He was exactly looking like the sailor .In his other hand, he was a carrying a big stone hammer.

“Who ...Who ...are .., you?" asked the drunken.

The man answered with stoned and echoed voice," ME Vasco ... VASCO - DA -GAMA"


“Me Vasco-Da-Gama" stone man replied

The drunken were not believing what they where witnessing. The creature was standing in front of them.

One of them said “Wh...Wh...What you said... Vasco... What? "

The stone man replied with echoed voice “Yes ...Me...Vasco...Vasco- Da-Gama ". He lifted the hammer and ready to have the blow towards them.

His first blow came on the shoulder of the one drunken. The blow was such a huge that the sounds of cracking the bones were audible. The target screamed with greater amount of pain and agony. He loosed his balance and fell on the ground.

As if the creature is not satisfied with his performance, the stone man again raised his hammer and hit on the neck of the fallen man. This blow turned out to be the fatal for the fallen man. His body began limp as he passed away in just seconds.

Other drunken vomited after watching the brutal scene and eventually fainted with the alcohol and fear.

The stone man just looked at fainted man. He goes away in the dark.


Hardeek is walking on the Nagoa beach, the most famous beach of the Diu. He was carrying beer tin in his hand.

He just came out from the sea after long swimming in the sea. He became tired and he needed some rest and energy.

Hardeek was the partner in the detective agency called 'Honest Consultancy'. He along with his brother Ameet was running the agency. He was in Diu for many days. He was on his vacation and he was enjoying his stay here.

He bought the beer on the beach side bar and just started to walk on the beach. He walked towards the end of the Nagoa beach.

Nagoa beach is the most happening space of the Diu. The area always occupied by the flow of the tourists. Many tourists choose to swim here as the beach is sandy and the water is safer for the swim. Some chooses the various water sports like Jet-ski, speed boat, Para-gliding etc. The entire area is full of activities.

After few minutes, he was about to reach towards the end of the beach. After that there is little rocky shore with big rocks and the sharp cliffs.

At the end of the beach, there is small hill pop up from the water. That hill is about 100 meters from the banks. Upon which there are three big English alphabets have been placed D.I.U. This glows after the dark.

Hardeek finished his tin. His thirst was satisfied. He again dived in the water and started to swim towards that small hill which consist big alphabets.

Once he reached there he sat on big rock for the rest. He started to observe the surroundings. The entire hill was rocky and in many ways it was also hollow in which the waves of water enters. The sun was setting and it was time of high tide. The big waves were coming with the great force.

Hardeek was enjoying the waves being hit on the rocks and the cool breeze atmosphere.

The entire sudden one big wave came with the great force. Hardeek opened his arms to welcome the water. It was the giant wave. It covered many parts of the hill. The water went inside the hollow parts of the rock.

When the wave went back and water level descends, Hardeek saw a strange glass bottle carrying some object came out from one of the hollows.


Hardeek saw a strange glass bottle just came out from the space of hollow under the small hill in the sea.

Hardeek bent himself on the rock and starched his hand towards the water which was coming out of the hollow in order to get hold of the glass bottle.

He carefully picked up the bottle and started to examine it.

The glass bottle was the dark brown colored. It was made by very thick glass. Its opening was sealed with very tight cork.

Hardeek examined the bottle from each side and also from upside down. He quickly understood that he had found a very rare and ancient mode of communication.

In the ancient times, especially during the sea voyages, this kind of glass bottle was used by the sailors to send the massages. The communication could be anything from weather reports, causal massages or sometimes the SOS.

The bottle was semi-transparent with the shades of the brown cooler. From the first glance it seems that some long and round object is kept inside. May be some kinds of papers were rolled up and place them inside this bottle.

Hardeek tried to open the cork with his bare fingers. He tried to pull the cork but with his extreme efforts he could not open it.

Now the area has been totally dark so without putting an extra effort, Hardeek decided to bring his findings to his hotel room.

So he quickly came out of the sea and directly headed towards his hotel room carrying a strange glass bottle.


Hardeek took the glass bottle in to his hotel room.

His hotel was very near to the beach. Hardeek hide the bottle under his beach towel and he quickly went towards his room. Once inside his room he tagged 'Do Not Disturb ‘sign on the door of his room. He firmly closed the door than again checked it to make sure that it has been closed.

Hardeek placed the glass bottle on the writing table of the room. He lit the reading lamp of the table. Entire table glowed with strong pale yellow light.

He again started to observe the bottle very closely. The glass bottle was the dark brown colored. It was very thick glass bottle. Its opening was sealed with very tight cork.

Hardeek again tried to open the same with his bare fingers but result was the same as it was earlier. He could not open the bottle.

He thought something and opens the closet of his room. He took his luggage, unzips it and took out one big pouch. He unzip the pouch, it was full of various tools.

He took out one screw driver. He pressed the nip of the screw driver on the middle of the cork and applied the pressure on the top of the screw driver.

An entire nip inserted in to the cork. Then he put the bottle between his thighs and applied the firm grip on the bottle tucked tightly between his legs. Later he griped the top of the screw driver and pull out it quickly. The cork came out.

He closed his one eye with his palm. He bent and tried to look inside the bottle with his open eye.

Something long round shaped object was inside. It was looked like some papers had been rolled up and bound in the round shape.

Hardeek inserted his two fingers inside the bottle and tried to fetch the roll. He could not succeed in this task.

Again he inserted the screwdriver and with its help he carefully took out the paper from the bottle.

He observed the paper, thought for some time and placed the call from his cell. Once the call connected he said “Big B please does come at once as we might have a new case”


An electrician was repairing the globe lamp in the garden near the fort.

He was supposed to repair the lamp in the early evening but his previous assignment took the much more time than anticipated so it was very late for this task.

He had called his supervisor asking him to repair the lamp in the next morning. Due to his bad luck, his request was denied by his supervisor. So there he was in the garden at very late of the night repairing the globe lamp.

He was alone in the entire area. He ignored the loneliness. He wanted to complete the task as soon as possible so without wasting time he made himself busy doing his task.

He unbolts the globe overpowered on the lamp. He was cleaning it with the duster.

Suddenly he felt that someone is standing right behind him. He slowly turned around and his eyes went wide the sudden shock.

What he saw was a giant creature with a big hammer in his hand was standing in front of him.

The globe fell down from his hands. He taken aback and asked with fear in his voice "Who...Who... Are you?"

Stone man replied in dark echoed manner "Me Vasco ....Vasco-Da-Gama" and raised his hammer on the poor soul.


The collector of the Diu had summoned the police commissioner for the urgent meeting.

The commissioner with few of the senior officers took their respective seats at the meeting room of the collector.

"Gentlemen, thank you very much to be presents at this place in such a short notice. You might have been aware about the agenda of this meeting."The collector greeted them.

Everyone in the room was paying attention to the speaker.

"We have fond another dead body at the garden. This time a poor electrician who was repairing the lamp was found dead by the sweeper in the morning." The collector paused and took a sip from the water bottle.

"Gentlemen there had been two killings in past two months. It is really painful and it also not leaving the good impression of our administration."The collector looked at his audience.

The police commissioner Mr. Yadav replied "Indeed sir. It is really a painful and shameful incident which must not been occurred."

"Yes Mr.Yadav, it must not been occurred under your efficient leadership. But now it’s happened so we need to accept the reality “The collector answered instantly.

Mr. Yadav seemed offended but he was in no position to defend him. He opened the file folder and took out some papers. He took out his reading glass and put on his eyes.

He fumbled between papers and replied "Sir, there is the match in the killing pattern of the both cases. The PM report indicates that the both victims had been killed by solid blow behind their necks. So there may be the same killer in the both cases"

The commissioner handed the PM report to the collector. He just browsed the random pages.

"Sir, on the first sight it looks like some kind of psycho path on the loose. I am assuring you that soon he would be under our custody."The commissioner said

"Please does it fast as our economy runs on the tourists and if this new spreads than we could lose the potential tourists to visit our small and beautiful piece?"The collector replied.

"Don’t worry Sir. I have assigned this case to my best man Inspector Paresh. He is the best. He is the bloody best" The commissioner assured him.


Ameet and Professor Jigar reached at Diu and directly headed towards the hotel where Hardeek was staying.

Ameet was running a premier detective agency named ' Honest Consultancy '.Ameet and Hardeek were partners in the agency.

Jigar was a Professor of the Shiiksha University. He was the well known historian. He was also an expert in Linguistic and excellent in cryptography. He was respected figure in his area. Professor Jigar was the close relative of Ameet and Hardeek.

The team consists these three were carrying different set of abilities.

Ameet was carrying excellent leadership qualities. He was having good analytical skills and also he was good decision maker while Hardeek had the best physics and he was also the master athlete. He was brave in nature and could cop up with any difficulties ahead. The professor Jigar was the brain of this team. He mentored them with all his analytical abilities.

The team of this excellent trio had solved many difficult cases successfully in the past. They were considered to be the very best in the business.

Hardeek greeted them with genuine warmth. They went inside the hotel room. They ordered their drinks at the room service. While they were freshening up, their drinks and snacks arrived.

Ameet and Jigar got their composure back from the shower and the drinks.

Once they have made themselves comfortable, Ameet asked to Hardeek “So brother now tells us what the matter is?”


Hardeek took a large sip from his glass; he then put one potato chip in his mouth. He then started his narration. Ameet and Professor Jigar were listening to his adventures.

He told them at the evening time how he had swim in the sea water towards the small hill at the end of the beach. They both complimented him for his excellent swimming skills.

He again resumed his narration. He told them how the big wave hit on the hill and suddenly the glass bottle came out from the hollow of the hill. They both looked stunned.

Hardeek went to the cupboard. He took out the glass bottle from it. He then put his treasure on the writing table.

Jigar took the glass bottle in his hand and started to observe it."Indeed a beauty."He explained and handed to the Ameet. He too admired the object.

"What exactly it was carrying?"Professor Jigar asked

Hardeek then took out its content from the drawer. Everyone was looking at him without blinking.

It was a bundle of papers which were neatly folded in round rolled shape. The bundle was rounded with the help of red silk piece of cloth.


Inspector Paresh was sitting in the commissioner’s chamber discussing his assigned case.

Inspector Paresh was young, tall and muscular person. He was considered as the best police officer of the department. His ability to solve the crime and deal with criminals was outstanding. He had the hundred percent success ratios. He was brave and honest.

It was said that the great leader has the great followers. Inspector Paresh had highly efficient team members too.

Paresh said to the Commissioner "The two killings have been reported. First one is a drunken tourist and second was an Electrician"

"Hmm... Are there any developments or any vital leads so far?" The Commissioner asked him.

"Honestly not as of now Sir as the killing had been done on the late night and the area itself is somewhat deserted."Inspector Paresh answered.

"Any suspicious activities have been reported than after?"The commissioner inquired

"Not in my knowledge but anyway my men are on the field Sir and I am sure we would have some lead very soon" Paresh answered

"We have to. Do your best Paresh have a big faith in you and you knows the pressure from collector's office is very huge" The Commissioner commented

Paresh was about to reply but at that time his cell phone rang. He answered the call and listened carefully.

"Good. I am coming right now “Paresh said and cut the call.

The questioning look was lingering on there at the Commissioner’s face.

"Sir we have a first lead .We have an eye witness."Paresh said in one breath.

"An eye witness? Who?" The commissioner asked

"A fellow drunken. A friend of the first victim who was also present at that unfortunate time and place" Paresh answered with enthusiasm.


Inspector Paresh reached at the police station. He directly headed towards his chamber.

He saw one man, around in his late thirties was seated on the bench. He looked energy less. He was seating on the bench and was starring at the wall.

Paresh sat on his chair and indicated him to seat on his opposite chair. He slowly stands up and did as per the indication. The on duty writer also came with note pad and pen. He took the chair to very near to the eye witness.

Paresh asked to the man seating opposite him "Relax. Nothing would go to happen to you."

As if the man did not convince by his words, he was in the same position as he was earlier starring at the wall.

The peon came and put the three glass of water and three cups of tea on the table.

Paresh lift the one cup and again asked to the man "So tell me everything from the moment you have put your first step on the Diu till that fateful moment when your friend got killed."

Paresh paused and added "Make sure that you tell everything correct and accurate. That would be beneficial for you and us too."

The man drank the full glass of water. Then he took the long breath and replied "We two friends were the neighbors and came here to enjoy our good times as our wives were on vacations and we too having spare time."

The writer take the few notes while Paresh confirmed "So you both came alone right. Now tell me what exactly happened to that fateful night? Remember everything and don’t skip anything."

The man replied “It was the final night of our stay in the town so we had decided to enjoy as much as we could. So we drank very heavily."

Inspector Paresh was listening with the great focus while the writer was taking the note.

"We both were totally drunk and roaming on the road. We were so drunk that we even had forgotten our hotel. We were just moving as our legs were taking us “He slowly replied with the genuine grief in his voice.

"Ok. What happened after that?" Paresh asked

"We could not found out our hotel so were just heading on the road. Due to the alcohol and the dark night we did not know where we were going. By then we had reached at the gate of the garden near the fort."

"Hmmm...Go on" Paresh commented.

"We heard some strange noises coming inside the garden so we went towards the direction where the strange voices were coming from. We reached at the middle of the garden. First we saw nothing and in the very next moment we felt that someone is standing behind us. We turned backwards and we saw was unbelievable" He said and requested more water.

After drinking full glass of water he resumed his narration.

"We saw something so weird that we could not believe in our naked eyes. We saw a very strange creature was standing there and whatever it was took my friend's life "He said and rubbed his temple with his thumbs.

"What was that creature?" Paresh asked

"It was the giant stone man with the outlook of the sailor and seems Portuguese. He was carrying a compass in one hand and a big stone hammer in other. He said that his name is Vasco...Vasco-Da-Gama"


"What the Vasco-Da-Gama? You mean that Vasco-Da-Gama? That famous explorer? Are you out of your mind or are you still under the influence of Alcohol?" Paresh screamed

"Yes Sir. You have heard clearly. That creature had said the same name and he had killed my friend by the blows of his big hammer."

Paresh was still shaking his head "How this could be possible? This is impossible"

The writer too looked spellbound by the narration of eye witness. He asked the peon to send the sketch artist.

The artist came with pad and pencil. Inspector Paresh asked an eye witness to give the impression of the strange creature he was talking about.

An eye witness closed his eyes and think about the creature. He started to speak about the stone devil. The sketch artist's hands were moving in synchronization with the speech. After finishing the sketch he handed it the Inspector Paresh

Paresh saw the sketch. It was the picture of the giant stone man with a big hammer as was described by an eye witness.

Paresh again asked the witness "Are you sure, the killer was this stone man and he said his name was Vasco-Da-Gama?"

Before an eye witness could answer his question, one constable rushed in the chamber and informs Paresh that one more killing has occurred. This time an old gardener was found dead.


Jigar carefully took out the bundle of papers from the bottle which has been found by Hardeek.

It was a bundle of papers which were neatly folded in round rolled shape. The bundle was rounded by the red silk piece of cloth.

Ameet took the papers in his hand. Then slowly and carefully he cut the red silk cloth and unroll the papers.

The papers again automatically began round shaped as it were tied in that position for longer period of time.

Jigar put the papers on the table and gently pressed his both palms on the papers and applied some pressure as if he irons the papers.

When it became little straighter, Jigar looked at the papers.

It was the part of the one letter head. The quality of the papers was extra fine as it has been survived for many years.

It looked like writing stationeries belongs to the caption of the ship used to write the formal and official massages.

The top right corner of the letter head, it was written the name of the ship "The Sao Gabriel"

Ameet took the bunch of the papers and looked at the Professor Jigar which he approved and indicates him to start the reading.

Ameet took first letter head, the year was written 1497 AD in top right corner. Ameet started reading the first letter

"I am the Caption Pero De Alenquer' the caption of the ship named The Sao Gabriel "..............


Inspector Paresh was talking to the police commissioner and updating him about the latest developments related to the case "Unfortunately there is one more killing has been reported. This time an old gardener has been found dead by the sweeper."

He waited for his boss to comment something but he did not hear any so he went on.

"An eye witness a fellow drunken who was the friend of the first victim had narrated very strange account of the incident."Paresh paused

"And what exactly was the strange account?"The commissioner asked

"He was saying that the killer is very giant stone man. He was having a big hammer. He also said that the name of that creature was the Vasco-Da-Gama" Paresh waited for the response from other end.

“I beg your pardon. What the name you said” The commissioner requested

“Vasco-Da-Gama” Paresh replied with hesitation.

"What the hell? Rubbish complete rubbish. I think he has gone mad completely" The commissioner expressed directly

Paresh replied "At this point we have to accept everything he is telling as we did not have much more than that. However now the entire garden has been under the CCTV surveillance so if such psycho path is in loose we can easily spot him at any point of time"

The police Commissioner replied "Good Progress Paresh. But please do increase your speed as the pressure from the collector is immense"

Inspector Paresh added “Apart from the killing pattern, one more aspect is there which relates to the all killing incidents"

The Commissioner asked "What kind of pattern you have identified?”

Paresh replied "There is the notable similarity in each case. Each killing has been occurred on FULL MOON's Night”


Ameet was reading the papers from the strange glass bottle founded by Hardeek.

“I am the Pero de Alenquer captain of the ship The Sao Gabriel. I hereby going to narrate the fateful incident which was taken place on our expedition. We have encountered this horrible incident during our voyage to the Diu - India”

Professor Jigar said "The holy God. The ship named The Sao Gabriel and its captain Pero de Alenquer. This is the same expenditure which was taken place from Portugal to the India."

Hardeek interrupted "But isn't that the great explorer Vasco-Da-Gama was the captain of the Portuguese trip?"

Jigar replied "Yes there is indeed conflict between many historians and scholars about who was leading the crew."

Ameet and Hardeek were paying the attention to the history lessons from the professor Jigar.

Professor Jigar resumed his lessons "They both belonged to the same ship that is The Sao Gabriel. There is no doubt that Vasco-Da-Gama was better known sailor but at that time captain of the ship was the captain Pero De Alenquer.

Hardeek replied "So we have found the papers written by the Portuguese captain who first came to explore our country along with the great Vasco-Da-Gama"

Professor Jigar patted on his shoulder "Yes my student now you have understood it correctly. You have found the historical jackpot in forms of this bottle and papers. I am sure we would learn many un-told adventures from these papers"

Hardeek raised his glass on the air for the good gesture while Ameet patted him on his back.

Professor Jigar said to Ameet "Please carry on the reading of the papers as I am desperate to know what story it unfolds"

Ameet started to read the papers written by the captain Pero De Alenquer.


1497 AD / DIU

“Captain ... Captain ... It seemed that there is the land in the far distance" The sailor performing his duty on watch tower of the ship yelled in excitement.

The Portuguese ship named The Sao Gabriel was on route to explore the India. After many days exploring in the ocean it looked like they were near to their destination. May be the ship had found the Indian shore.

The captain Pero De Alenquer quickly came out of the control room and went on the deck. He put on his binocular and watched in the direction where the watch tower sailor was referring.

He found out the dark spot in that direction. After seeing it he started to yell the orders.

"Crew members. We are approaching to the land. Be preparing the ship for the anchoring. Untie the small boats. Put on the life jackets"

The activities on the ship came in to the life. Each crew of the ship was obeying their loving captions’ order and performing their assigned duties.

Few of the seasoned sailors were preparing the anchoring duty while some where working on the small boats to untie.

Satisfying to see that the process is as per his instructions, the captain Pero De Alenquer ordered one of the sailor “Somebody please tell the Vasco that we have arrived to our destination."

The sailor ran towards the inner part of the ship were the boarding cabins were situated.

The Sao Gabriel anchored before five hundred meters to the shore. Everyone descends from the ship and went towards the shore by the small boats.

The Pero De Alenquer again ordered "Please keep all the equipments for the camping."

He paused and thinks some time and again ordered to his crew.

"Carry the maximum food and water supplies from the ship as we are not sure how many days we need to live on this land"

Despite of felling of the tiredness due to the long journey, each crew member of the ship was looking very happy. And they should be as they knew that probably they are the first foreign crew to explore the Indian Sub- Continent and putting their first steps on the Indian soil.

The team led by Captain Pero de Alenquer who would become the first foreign captain to put his steps in the soil of India.

Next person just behind the captain came his second in command and arguably the best sailor the world had ever seen the VASCO-DA-GAMA”


The Captain and crew members came to the sea shore. They all jumped with the joy and excitement. The captain congratulated each one.

They all started to observe the surroundings of the new land.

"Which place is this? Where we have anchored our ship? Is this a really Indian soil?" asked the Vasco.

“Yes Vasco. I am sure the soil is an Indian soil and this very place is looking like a small Island which is very near to the main land." replied the Captain Pero De Alenquer.

“Thanks God after the long voyage we have managed to find this great country” Vasco said with joy in his voice.

“Yes Vasco.” We would be remembered long time for this voyage.

"But It’s very hot around here" Vasco's forehead was sweating. He was not feeling comfortable in this new environment.

Vasco again looked at his surroundings. He saw few huts on the far distance.

"You guys do prepare for the camping and after that make some food to eat. While I and Vasco are going for the more inspection of this area" The captain placed the ordered to the Ship's chef

The crew started to erect the tent on the soil. The chef also started to cook the food for the entire crew.

Captain and Vasco went from the camp site for the further inspection of this new place.

They were feeling that the surrounding atmosphere was very hot.

After walking very far from the camp, they reached at the huts. It was the locality of the country fishermen.

They saw few children were playing while the elders were seating on some strange kind of beds and puffing some strange hookahs.

The head fishermen welcomed them. They seated on their bed with the head of the fishermen.

The Captain asked to head Fishermen "Sir Please tell me the name of this place and it belongs to which country? What is the name of this place?"

The head Fisherman replied “O white skinned guests you have arrived on the land of the brave. You have placed your steps on the soil of the Bharat Varsha which you foreigners also known as the India"

The captain Pero De Alenquer and Vasco shook each other's hand for the gesture of finding the Indian land.

Vasco asked to the head fishermen "The name of this very place please"

The head replied "This place is known as Dwip"

"What a D...D....Diu?” Vasco could not able to pronounce it easily.

“No..No...No. It’s called Dwip and Dwip means an Island in local language “Fisherman corrected him.

"Very strange name a D ... Diu” The Captain Pero De Alenquer too could not pronounce it correctly.



The captain Pero De Alenquer and Vasco were seated with the head of Fishermen.

The head of the fishermen asked to the Captain "Sir. You are probably the first set of foreigners to come in to this land."

In reply the captain and Vasco nodded their heads.

The head of the fishermen asked again "You are always welcome in this place but May I know why you have been here? What is your purpose to arrive in this soil?"

The captain replied “Of course Sir. You have every right to have the knowledge. We are here for the commercial purpose only."

He saw that the local fisherman was in the doubts.

The captain tried to explain him “More specifically we are here for trading of the Indian Spices which are Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, red pepper etc"

The fisherman replied “Nice than you are the right place as you will would find your needs in each place of this country.

"That’s why we are here sir" Vasco replied

"But for this process you have to stay here for some longer period of the time for the trading. You could be our guest till than “The fishermen assured them.

"Thanks for your offer but we are having our own camping facilities with us. We would manage by over selves “The captain said with genuine thankfulness.

"Any other things more we could do for you “The fishermen asked again.

Vasco answered “Yes you could do one crucial favor to us. This place is very hot .We cannot tolerate this level of temperature as we belongs to cooler region and we are not used to this atmosphere"

The captain and head fishermen were paying attention to what Vasco was saying.

Vasco added "Please suggest some nearby place which have the natural cooler environment so that we could camp there and that could save us from this heat”

The fisherman thinks for the sometime and said “Oh Yes. There is one place not far from hear which suites to all your needs. It also has the natural cooling environment"

"Where is that? Please suggest" Captain requested

The fisherman replied "The Naida Caves"


Vasco, Pero De Alenquer and head of the fishermen were going to the Naida Caves.

The Naida caves are big and hollow inter connected natural cavern system. It was located just outside the town.

The size of this cavern structure was very huge and had many inter connected sub cavern system and branches. Many caves open up in to the new cave. The wall and roof of the caves were very huge.

Few of the caves are having the natural water springs. While some caves are having small fountains also.

This natural water system was keeping the temperature of the entire structure of this cavern system very cool with compare to the environment outside.

The Cavern structure was below the land level and hidden by the big roof of the lime stones.

They reached at the main entrance of the cave.

The head fisherman said "Sir. This is the entrance of the Naida Caves. This place would suit to all of your needs like cooling along with wide space of the accommodation for your entire crew members"

The Captain said "Thanks sir. Indeed this the big help to us"

"You don’t need to be. This is my humble duty to serve the foreign guests arrived to our land. I am just following my duties nothing else “The head of the fishermen said proudly.

The Captain said “Thanks again Sir. This soil is having the noble people like you. Now I am sure we would definitely successes in our goals"

The head Fisherman replied "Sure you will. Anyway I am going now. Inspect the place and then make your camp here"

The head of the fishermen left and both the Portuguese entered in the Naida Caves.


The Captain Pero De Alenqure and Vasco entered in the cave.

They immediately felt the difference in the temperature. The atmosphere in the cavern was very cool compare to the outside environment.

"Yes it is cool here. Feeling better" Vasco said with the happy tone.

After getting their composure back they both felt the freshness.

Both started roaming around and started to inspect this massive system of the caves. The ground of the cave was full of soft and cool yellow sand.

"This sand is appealing and inviting us to have our camp here" The captain seated on the sand

They looked their upwards. The roof the structure was made by stone. The walls too were also made by the stone.

They both liked this place and its structure. The atmosphere was also soothing their requirements.

They decided that once they inspect entire structure they would camp here and stay here until their departure.

They both were moving inwards the cavern structure.

"It is looking like this entire system has been made by lime stone. Before centuries the sea water might be here so in result this kind of complex inters connected system has been generated" Vasco was admiring this miracle of Mother Nature.

"True. Such a fascinating place “The captain Pero De Alenquer added.

Now they both were deep inside the cavern system. The entrance from where they have entered was now no longer visible. They could now only see inter connected chambers of the cave.

As they moved inwards the visibility also became the minimal. They now took the support of the stone wall of the cave to move further.

All of the sudden Vasco feel something embossed on the stone wall. He tried to be as closer as it and saw one stone switch on the wall.

"What’s this?"Vasco asked

"Looks like some kind of switch or the mechanism of some kind" The captain was also monitoring it closely.

Vasco gathered his all energy and pressed the switch with his both hands. He applied maximum pressure to the switch.

With their amazement the wall in which the switch was placed were moving and a secret passage emerged which was leading to some secret place of the cave.


Vasco found the hidden passage inside the cave which was leading to some secret passage.

The passage was like a small corridor which was heading to behind the walls of the cave.

Both ducked down and slowly entered in to the small passage. They have been move forward on their knees. As they have been moved further the passage became narrower.

Now they were crawling in the corridor like the reptiles. Soon they emerged in some kind of secret chamber in the cavern structure.

They slowly rise up. Their knees and stomach were paining due to the crawling in the narrow corridor. They looked around and again amazed to see another beauty of the nature.

The hidden secret chamber was itself like a small cave in size and shape. The only difference was the wall was black while the soil was not sandy.

"Wow. It’s amazing “The captain Pero De Alenquer was seemed impressed.

They heard the voice of running water around there.

There was a stream of water coming from the un-identified source and falling in to the small pond inside the cave.

The source of the water was not visible as if the water was coming from nowhere.

They both fascinate by watching the nature's miracle and they moved towards the small pool of water for further inspection.

Suddenly both were shocked to see a very old man was sleeping near the pond.


Vasco and the Captain have seen an old man was sleeping near the pool of water in the secret chamber.

"Jesus Christ. A leaving man is here at this very depth of the cave. How it could be possible?" The Captain Pero De Alenquer asked with real amazement.

"Let’s examine this poor soul" Vasco answered.

They went near to the man. He was in very deep sleep.

He was a very old. His entire skin was wrinkled. His body was very thin.

His health was not looking good. He was breathing very slowly. It looked like he is taking his last breath of the air.

The only odd thing was his outlook.

He had worn the royal cloths same like Indian king normally wears. He had also wear many gold ornaments on his body .One strange thing were in old man's forehead.

At the exact middle of his forehead there was one small hole.

Vasco put his hand on the forehead of the old man. His tender touch made him shiver. He slowly opened his eyes.

He saw two white men were leaning on him. He gradually tried to seat.

They both supported him to making him seat. They both also sat beside him.

Once every one seated the captain asked him politely "Sir. Who are you? What you are doing here in this odd place?"

Old man replied in very low voice. He introduce him proudly "I am ASHWAASTHAMA the son of great Guru Dronacharya”



"I am Ashwastthama the son of great Guru Dronacharya" Old man said in low but proud tone.

"What name you said? Whose son you are?" Vasco asked multiple questions in one breath.

Little smile came on the face of an old man. He rubbed his forehead and replied "Calm down my son I will tell you everything. So please keep your cool and be passionate"

The Captain Pero De Alenquer and Vasco were still not able to understand anything. They waited for an old man for the further explanations.

An old man who said his name was Ashwastthama resumed “I have waited for the centuries that someone would arrive here and listen my adventures"

The both foreigners were looking at each other when Ashwastthama mentioned the word centuries.

"What you said? You are waiting here for the centuries?" The captain asked

"And by the way what is your exact age? How you have survived for this period of time?" Vasco asked immediately.

"Keep Passion son I will answer your all questions. Let me say that I am here since the last four thousand years my child" Old man said and waited for the reactions on the faces of the foreigners.

"Jesus Christ. How this could be possible? I mean no one could live for centuries. How you have managed to live such a longer period of time?" Vasco asked

In reply, an old man turned his head. The foreigners also tried to look at where an old man was indicating.

Old man answered “Look at this stream and pool of water"

They both looked at the pool of water. The source of the water was unknown.

They again looked at an old man for the further explanations.

An old man took the long breath and raised his towards the pool "Children what you are seeing is not an ordinary stream or water body. It is very special in nature."

They both were looking at the old man without blinking their eyes.

"This is in fact FOUNTAIN OF THE YOUTH sons and by bathing in this pool any one could become an IMMORTAL.


"This is Fountain of Youth and by bathing in that water one can become Immortal" Ashwastthama said

They both stood up as if they have seen a snake.

"Holy Jesus! What you have referred to this water body?" Captain Pero De Alenquer was not sure what he had heard.

"The fountain of the youth" Ashwastthama replied with the straight face.

“The holy goodness! You mean really this the fountain of the youth?"Vasco also could not stop him asking.

"Yes my children. By stepping in to this water body one could become an Immortal soul “The Ashwastthama confirmed his statement.

"In that case, this would be biggest discovery in the history of the mankind" Vasco said with amazement.

The captain added "So you have bathed in this pool of water and after that you have managed to survive for the centuries?"

"Yes my son. I have discovered this miracle and only because of this I am able to survive as of now" The Ashwastthama answered.

The captain Pero De Alenqure and Vasco were looked stunned. They were unable to believe in what they were hearing from an old man.

Ashwastthama resumed with pain in his voice "But now I am in my final stage of life. I would not live much longer"

The questioning look came on the faces of the both foreigners.

The Vasco again asked to clear the doubts "If one can become an immortal by bathing in this pool than why you are going to die?"

Ashwastthama took a long breath and answered "Children one thing I have not told you that though it would make you an immortal but in the same time this will give you a "CURSE" my children “THIS PLACE IS CURSED "


"This place is cursed. It will make you Immortal but along with the boon it will also give you a Curse" Ashwastthama said

"What kind of Curse. How it would affect on the person who baths in the pool?" Vasco asked

"Yes a horrible curse" Ashwastthama answered.

"Sir please provide us the complete details and request to not to keep us in the dark" Captain Pero De Alenquer requested.

“O my children so you wants to hear my set of adventures. Fine I would tell you my story as my time would be ending very soon."Ashwastthama made his mind.

The both foreigners were desperate to listen what an old man had to say.

Ashwastthama took a long breath and closed his eyes. He opened after few seconds and ready for the narration "I am Ashwastthama the son of the great Guru Dronacharya who was the teacher of the both Pandavas and Kauravas....."

Ashwastthama told them about the Mahabharata era. He told them everything till the end of the battle of Mahabharata.

He also told them that he wanted the revenge from the Pandavas and he had killed all the Pandava's sleeping sons in the hut.

Ashwastthama was saying "After killing Pandva's all sons I was running from one place to another to save myself from the angry Pandavas"


Ashwastthama was telling his story "I was running from one place to another to save myself from the Pandavas"

"One day I came here at this west coast of the country. I was very tired and looking for the shelter in which I could hide myself for the few days"

I was taking rest under the tree. All of the sudden from nowhere a Leopard came and took my left leg in his fang. I screamed with an extreme pain.

I saw a thick tree branch nearby. I took it and with all my energy and power I heat it on the predator's head.

The blow on its head worked .As if the leopard also seemed taken aback by my resistance. My leg had been released from its jaw.

I compiled all my strengths and I ran away from it. The blood was coming out from the wound on my leg.

Then I saw the some kind of entrance of the cave and I went inside the cave.

"I saw an entrance of the cave and went inside" Ashwastthama was telling his story.

"I was feeling the greater amount of pain in my leg. The cave looked huge in size. I decided to go as far as I could inside the cave to make myself safer"

The both foreigners were listening with utmost concentration.

"I was taking the support of the stone wall of the cave for the walking as my left leg was paining heavily. My entire leg was soaked with blood which was falling heavily from the wound."

"I could not walk easily and I have taken the support of the stone wall of the cave to move further. Than my hand got accidently pressed on some kind of switch and with my surprise that side of wall started to move and a small passage appeared.

I went inside to the small passage by crawling and found myself in this very place”

Ashwastthama paused for the few moments. He was breathing very heavily.

"I saw a stream of water which was falling in the small pool of water. I wanted to wash my wounds so that degree of the pain I was feeling could be little lesser."

"I dived in to the water to wash my wounds. The touch of the water to my skin was feeling very great. I remained in the water body for longer period of time"

"After some time when I came out of the water I was feeling very fresh and energetic soul. I immediately checked my wound and to my utmost surprise my wound was totally HEALED as if there was no any wound ever”


"After bathing in the pool of water, all my wounds were totally healed. I was feeling an amazing freshness and energy in my body" Ashwastthama was narrating his adventures.

The both foreigners were looked stunned.

"I was really shocked to understand that how my wound was healed and why I am feeling the strange kind of energy was developing inside my body"

"To search for the answers, I started to observe hear and there. After little bit of searching I found something right above the pool of the water.

"I went as near as could. It was the various stone carvings. I moved further so that I could observe what were carving on the stone wall"

"Then I saw that there were various pictures were carved on the stone wall"


"I saw the various pictures were carved on the stone wall. These pictures were giving the indication and the information regarding this mysterious place" Ashwastthama said.

"Where are those stone carvings? Please show us “The Captain Pero De Alenquer asked

Ashwastthama pointed his hand where the pictures were carved on the stone wall right above the pool of water.

Vasco and the captain looked above the water body and they found the stone carvings with the various pictures.

Both went closer to the pictures for the better view of the same. They indeed saw many pictures were there. They again looked at Ashwastthama for the guidance and further explanations regarding the pictures.

Ashwastthama pointed his finger towards the first picture and said "The first one is referring to this pool of the water. This water body itself”

They both looked at the first picture. It was matching to this place. They both looked at each other and appraised the picture.

They both again looked at the Ashwastthama with curiosity.

He pointed towards the second picture. They both looked at the same direction.

The second picture consist the same pool of the water in which one person was swimming in the water body.

Ashwastthama pointing his hand towards the next stone carving "In this second picture an indicative person is bathing in the pool of water"

"So my children now we are coming towards the most crucial aspect of this magical place." Ashwastthama narrated and pointed towards the next picture.

Vasco and Captain Pero de Alenquer could not stop them to look at the next picture.

What they saw in the picture was truly unbelievable.

In that picture, an indicative person who was shown bathing in the previous picture was now out of the pool and standing on the shore.

But now in the picture the body of that person has been changed. He had become the giant stone man. The picture also carried the impression of the full moon of the corner.


“An indicative person transforms into the giant stone man and in the same picture there was a full moon was visible”

"What is this?" Vasco asked

Ashwastthama replied "This is the CURSE my son."

The captain Pero De Alenquer requested "Please don’t keep us in the dark."

"Listen carefully. Though the fountain of the youth would give you all strengths and energy but at the same time it would also transform one in to the giant stone devil" Ashwastthama said and waited for foreigners to grasp the information.

His audience was looked spell bound by what they hear from the ancient old man.

"Holy God. It means that after bathing in this pool of water one would become very energized and all this energy would stored in to his body so in result he would be transformed into the giant stone devil" Vasco said with genuine surprise.

"Correct. The energy would be stored in to person's body cells. In result the growth of his cells would rapidly increased."Ashwastthama said and added

"The body cells would also combine to each other and would form very hard and solid body structure."

"Amazing" Vasco expressed his surprise.

"In addition to the growth of the body cells, the bones of the body would also encounter the rapid growth. In result the shape of the body would also increase “Ashwastthama informed to them.

"So in result the person would transform in to the giant devil creature" The captain Pero De Alenquer said

"OK if it so than why you are looking like a normal person? You said that your end is also coming how it could be possible?" Vasco asked with frustration.

Ashwastthama answered "This what this great curse is all about"

He paused and was ready to give the explanation.

"For sustaining the strength and energy received from the fountain of the youth or in the simple terms to be an immortal soul, one needs to offer the Sacrifices on the night of Lunar Eclipse"


“To maintain the Immortality, it requires offering the Sacrifice on the night of Lunar Eclipse" Ashwastthama gave the horrible side of the curse.

“What? The sacrifice? What do you mean by sacrifice? “The captain Pero De Alenquer asked.

“In our mythology we believed in the offerings to our deities for keeping us healthy and wealthy. In this way we believed that our welfare has been sustained.” Ashwastthama said

“Understood but what exactly do you offer to your deities?” Vasco asked

“It depends of the faith and course of the offers.”Ashwastthama replied

“What does it means?” Vasco asked again.

“Let me say that generally we offer the ‘Coconut’ to our deities. If the person is in need of more blessings, that he might offer the further more addition in the ritual.

He would sacrifice of ‘GOAT’ to them.” Ashwastthama said

“What? A sacrifice of the GOAT to the gods? Very strange and cruel” Vasco was surprised

“My son the rituals do not ends here. Sometimes we do offer the sacrifice of the ‘CALF or even the BUFFALOW’ to our deities.”Ashwastthama added

“My goodness” The captain Pero De Alenquer was looked shocked.

“So what sort of sacrifice is requires in this case of Immortality?” Vasco asked

“Look at the picture on the stone carving. It displays the full moon of the corner” Ashwastthama pointed towards the picture

The questioning look appears on the face of the both foreigners.

“The picture of full moon refers to two different offerings.” Ashwastthama paused and again resumed his narration.

“First on the each full moon’s night it requires the sacrifice of any animals”

They both were paying the attention.

“The second and most brutal and horrible aspect of this curse is that it requires the ‘HUMAN SACRIFISE’ on the night of LUNAR ECLIPSE”


“The second and most brutal and horrible aspect of this curse is that it requires the ‘HUMAN SACRIFISE’ on the night of LUNAR ECLIPSE”

The captain and Vasco were stand up as if the bomb has been dropped.

“Jesus Christ. A Human sacrifice on the night of the Lunar Eclipse. It’s really disgusting.” The captain Pero De Alenquer did not believe what he had heard from an old man.

“But what is the logic behind the Human Sacrifice on the night of Lunar Eclipse?” Vasco asked

“The night of the Lunar Eclipse is most sacred night and on that very moment if the Human Sacrifice is offered than one would remain an Immortal until the next night of Lunar Eclipse” Ashwastthama gave an explanation.

“Unable to digest the information” The captain Pero De Alenquer said

“But what about yourself? Did you follow these rituals?” Vasco asked to an old man

Ashwastthama answered “I transformed in to the devil after bathing in this fountain of the youth.

On the full moon's night I went to hunt for the easy animal targets for the sacrifices and as a result I could live this much longer"

He then said hesitantly “I also killed weaker and poor people on the night of the Lunar Eclipse so that I have been lived for these longer periods of time”

Vasco asked “Now what happened to you? Why you are on your death bed? "

"I quitted the killings many years ago and as a result, I gradually started to become what I was originally. I started to lose the energy and now I completely become the ordinary man" Ashwastthama answered

"What If one did not quit the sacrifice can he become the Immortal?” Vasco asked

“Yes my son he will remain energized and immortal “Ashwastthama replied

“One more thing I forget to add that if a person gives the HUMAN SACRIFISE on twelve FULL MOONS’ nights than he would be forever IMMORTAL. Than after he would not have to wait for LUNAR ECLIPSE to occur.


“One more thing I forget to add that If a person gives the HUMAN SACRIFISE on twelve FULL MOON’S nights than he would be forever IMMORTAL. Than after he would not have to wait for LUNAR ECLIPSE to occur.”

The captain Pero De Alenquer shook his head and said "It is really a brutal practice of the Human sacrifice for the sake of Immortality. It’s totally uncivilized and an inhuman trend and practice."

The captain was seemed angry.

“In your times it might be acceptable but now who would kill the people to live the longer?” The captain asked.

“I would. Me Vasco Da Gama" Vasco said with some strange expressions

“I am looking forward to have a bath in this pool of the water “Vasco said


"I am looking forward to have a bath in this pool of the water" Vasco said

"What? Vasco are you out of your mind? Didn’t you have heard the horrible side of this curse?” Captain asked

“Yes my captain. Even after I would liked to have the bath” Vasco replied at once

“But why that?” The captain screamed

"Why not so? If bathing in this so called ' Fountain of the Youth' would give me Immortality, than I would definitely wants to have it “Vasco replied with the firm determination

"Don’t forget. It is ' Cursed’, you would transform in to the stone devil who would kill the innocent people for the sake of the Immortality. What about ' The Human Sacrifices ' “The captain pleaded

“Every Fortune has its own set of price and standards Captain. I have made my decision and now nothing could stop me “Vasco said and moved towards the pool of water.

“Please don’t Vasco” The captain screamed.

But before captain’s voice could reach to him, Vasco had jumped in to the water.

Vasco had jumped in to the cursed water body of ‘Fountain of the Youth’.

“Oh No Jesus please help" The captain was worried.

The captain saw that Vasco was swimming in the pool of the water.

Not knowing what to do than, the captain was desperate to have the solution. He saw that his mate Vasco was enjoying in the cursed water.

The captain Pero De Alenqure requested to Ashwastthama “Please stop him. He does not understand the future implications of this curse. Please stop him.”

Ashwastthama said with pain in his voice “Now nothing can be done to him. The cursed water had been reached to the every part of his body. He soon would become the stone devil.”

“Oh no. Are you sure there is not a way out of this horrible curse? If so than please tell the cure of this curse. “The captain Pero De Alenquer was totally broke up.

“Yes there is little hope and there is one cure of this curse “Ashwastthama answered

“Really? Thank God. Please tell me the cure of this horrible Curse. Please suggest how to overpower this stone devil?" The captain Pero De Alenquer pleaded

Ashwastthama answered "Listen carefully. My Son here is the only cure and by this way only this stone devil could be overpowered"

The captain came closer to an old man.

Ashwastthama told the unique cure to the captain...........


Ashwastthama narrated the unique cure of the curse to the captain Pero De Alenqure while Vasco was still bathing in the fountain of the youth.

The captain had listened the cure very carefully. Once an old man had finished the narration of the cure, the captain thanked to him “Thanks for your guidance sir. I am sure it would be really helpful to be against the stone devil"

Ashwastthama coughed heavily “No need to thank my son”. He paused and again coughed

"It seems that my time has been arrived. Goodbye my last friend. May the god be with you" Ashwastthama wished in the broken voice.

“No. Nothing would happen to you. Stay awake pleases “The captain took an old man's head in his lap.

Ashwastthama took a long breath and closed his eyes for final time. His body became limp. His soul has left his body.

The captain prayed for the poor soul.

By the time Vasco also emerged from the water. He came to the captain. He looked fresh and energized.

"Looked like an old man's time had been over" Vasco examined the body of the dead man.

The captain looked at Vasco. He was totally wet. Even the drops of the water were falling from his body.

His body and face were very brightening as if it is the source of the energy.

The captain said only thing to the Vasco “Help me to bury this old man's body”

Vasco started to dig the ground with his bare hands. The captain was just observing him.

The captain observed that the structure of his body had been started to change. The growth of the body cells had been increased. His bones also started to grow.

Vasco had dug the ground. Then they both carefully lifted the dead body of an old man and placed it in the grave. Vasco fill the grave with soil.

They both genuinely prayed for the soul.

When they have finished with the grave, the captain saw that the changes in the body of Vasco have been now clearly visible.

They quickly came outside the Naida Caves and directly headed towards their camp. Vasco was gradually transforming in to the giant structure.

The captain Pero De Alenquer noticed the sudden changes. He ordered his crew to un anchored the ship.

The crew members were shocked by the captain’s decision. They too have noticed the changes in the body of the Vasco.

The captain screamed “This place is really cursed. Leave this place as soon as possible"


"Jesus Christ. This place is cursed. This Goddamn place is really cursed. Hurry up crew members and leave this place as soon as possible." The captain of the ship screamed towards his team members.

“But Captain, cool down and catch your breath. Please try to understand that we have found the biggest discovery in the history of mankind. This could change our lives forever. How we could leave it unattained?" Vasco argued

"Look, Vasco! It’s true that you have discovered it and you have every right to own that miracle but wait and look at yourself. Just register the changes happening to your self just after your discovery. Thus leave this horrible place and join us on the ship “Captain said with the authority.

Vasco was not in the best of his mind. He just looked at himself and examines the changes. The captain was telling the correct things. For the split second, he decided to follow his command's order and leave this place but in next fraction of time he again thought otherwise.

Vasco took the long breath and almost shouted towards his captain "With due respect Sir; I would like to be with my discovery. I will not come with you"

"OK. It seems that, you have been overpowered by your findings. Well than it’s your choice and I would not interfere in your matter." Captain replied and move towards the ship which was ready to sail in the sea.

All the crew members took the stands on the deck. They have been waited for the order from their captain. Vasco was watching from the shore.

The captain climbed on the deck and shouted "So Vasco, good bye. May the Lord Jesus be with you “The ship was now moving on the water?

"Mark my words captain. I am the next Lord. “Vasco laughed.


Present Day / Diu

Ameet paused the reading of the papers came from the strange glass bottle. Hardeek and professor Jigar were listening carefully.

They all were seated in the hotel room of the Hardeek.

"The Holy Shit. Please pinch me to make sure that am I dreaming or not? Can any one tell me that how many set of adventures have been encountered so far?" Hardeek asked loudly and took a sip from his drink.

“My God the Vasco-Da-Gama met the Ashwastthama on the banks of the Fountain of the Youth in the secret chamber of the cave Unbelievable and indigestible pieces of an extra ordinary fable" Ameet also seemed in the magical spell.

“What do you say Professor? “Hardeek asked to Professor Jigar. Ameet also waited for his opinions.

The professor Jigar was in the deep thinking process.

Ameet put his hand on his shoulder and asked to him "Professor..Professor .What happened? Are you still in that magical world? Please express your opinions.”

Jigar came out of the thinking spell. He shook his head for many times. Than he lifted his glass of the drink and took the large gulp.

Ameet and Hardeek were looking at this genius.

After getting his composure back he replied with the deep concern in his voice "Sorry guys I was thinking something long.”

He finished his glass and indicated Hardeek to fill the other one. Hardeek quickly made his drink and handed over to Jigar.

Professor sipped from the new drink “Yes guys this is really an extraordinary fable. In this tale the history and the mythology joins the hands in terms of Vasco-Da-Gama and of course Ashwastthama.”

The professor came in to his original mood that was giving the lecture to his audience.

“My friends if we believe in those papers than it would be the discovery of the century.”

“True. The fountain of the youth would be by far the most desired avenues of the human kind “Ameet added

“My concern is on other thing” Professor Jigar was rubbing his temples.

“What is it exactly? “Hardeek asked

“If this fable is really true than we need to act right now " Jigar answered

"Why? What is the matter of such urgency? “Hardeek asked again

Professor Jigar replied "Because tonight is the Full moon's night"


Inspector Paresh had reached at the garden near the Fort.

He knew that tonight was the full moon's night and as per the previous killings pattern; the each killing had been occurred on the full moon's night.

Though he had identified this killing pattern, but he was not damn sure about the killer's obsession with this particular night. He thought that it could be another co incidence so he just came alone without his team.

He parked his bike at the gate of the garden. He observed the surroundings.

The area was completely dark and quite. There were no any activities were visible anywhere near or far. It was just the quite darkness nothing else. The road which remains occupied by the tourists all day was taking rest at this time of the night.

Paresh entered in the garden and started to roam inside. He saw nothing except the dark and the cold. The globe lamp of the garden was throwing the pale yellow light.

Inspector Paresh lit his torch. The rod of the white light illuminated and due that the visibility of nearby area had been improved.

He again fumbled through here and there and search for something but result was the same a quite darkness. He even could hear the voice of the sea waves which were falling on the back wall of the garden.

He went further inside the garden. The cool breeze was coming from the bay. He shivered with little cold. He rounded his palm and coughed.

He reached at the very far dark corner and sat on the last bench. He tried to catch his breaths. He rubbed his hands rapidly to keep himself warmer.

Still no any movements were registered. Inspector Paresh thought to leave the place and search in to the new directions.

All of the sudden he felt that someone is watching him from the behind. He alerted all his senses. He took a long breath and was ready to be in the action.

He immediately turned to his backwards. To his surprise he saw no one was there. Just the emptiness of the garden. His mind was on the high alert.

When he moved back to his original position, his eyes went wide with what he was seeing in front of him.

He saw a giant stone man was standing in front of him. He was looking like a sailor. He was carring the big stone hammer.

“My God. So this is the killer.” Inspector Paresh was thinking and shaking his head.

The creature was slowly moving towards him. With his each steps the soil was trembling.

“Stop. Whatever you are stopping right now” Paresh ordered the creature loudly.

As if the stone man was dumb, he kept moving towards the Inspector.

Inspector Paresh took out his service Revolver from the waist holder and aimed at the creature.


Inspector Paresh took out his service revolver and aimed at the stone man.

“Who are you? Are you behind all those killings? Why you have killed all those poor and innocent people? “Paresh asked angrily.

The stone man came forward. He raised the hammer and said in echoed manner “Me Vasco.. Vasco-Da-Gama"

“But why you are killing innocent people? For what cause? What you are getting by killing the innocent souls? Answer me.” Paresh was still aiming the gun to him.

The stone man stooped. He found that the person in front of him seemed not an ordinary one.

For the first time he communicated with someone apart from speaking his name “To be an Immortal soul forever”

“What the rubbish things you are talking about? An Immortal? Is there any kind of play is going on here? Nothing is in this world is an Immortal.” Paresh expressed his angriness.

“Ha....ha...ha” The stone man laughed on him and added proudly “Apart from myself, nothing in this world would be an Immortal. I would be the only one lucky soul who would conquer the circle of life and death”

“But how? “Paresh was still not able to understand anything.

“To sacrifice the twelve humans on the each full moon's night “The stone man answered and came closer to Inspector Paresh.

“So you have killed all those innocent people for your notion of Immortality? “ Paresh asked angrily and griped the revolver very firmly.

“Yes and you would be the next “The stone man was now only few feet away from him.

In the next instance, the creature raised his hammer.

In reply Paresh quickly fired the three rounds of bullets from his revolver on the stone man. The bullets hit bang on the chest of the stone man.

But the Paresh's surprise, the creature did not even move. The bullets fall on the ground after hitting with the body of the stone man.

The Stone man laughed and again came towards him. Now he was only two steps near to him and Paresh again fired.

But the result was the same as it was earlier.

The Stone man took the revolver from Paresh’s hand and simply crushed with his palms.

Now for the first time, Inspector Paresh got the feeling of the fear. He could not find the way to protest against this inhuman creature.

The stone men throw the crushed revolver and raised his hammer on the Inspector.

Paresh showed excellent movement. He jumped from his place and tried to avoid the blow.

But unfortunately the tip of hammer hit on his left toe.

Paresh screamed with pain and fall on the ground. Seeing his pray had fallen, the stone man again raised his hammer and Paresh closed his eyes.


The Stone man raised his hammer and Paresh closed his eyes.

He had accepted his faith and was waiting for the next fatal blow on him.

Now only miracle could save him from his predator.

As if the even God would not want to let this good man to end his life in such horrific manner he created the miracle in forms of Professor Jigar, Ameet and Hardeek.

The big thick rope of round shape had fall on the neck of the stone man. The rope tightened around the neck of the creature. The round shape end of the rope tightened around the stone man's neck.

He felt an immense pressure from behind. He tried to grip the rock around his neck.

Something was pulling him backwards. He tried to remain standing where he was and in this process he looses his balance and fell on the ground.

Jigar and Hardeek had compiled their best strength and energy to have the tight grip of the other side of the rope. They both were pulling the stone man.

As the stone man fall on the ground, Ameet ran towards the Inspector Paresh who was praising his luck.

Ameet lift him and took him away from the stone man.

The feelings of joy and thankfulness had taken place the pain and agony on the face of Inspector Paresh. He was looking at his saviors.

Jigar and Hardeek had now tied the other end of the rope to the nearby lamp post. This action gave them some very precious time to escape from this place.

They started to run towards the exit gate of the garden.

The stone men slowly stand up and with one attempt he broke the rope around the lamp post.

By the time stone man broke the lamp post and rope, the all four were gone. The stone man screamed strangely with the agony.


Doctor looked at the x-ray report of Paresh’s leg and said “Luckily there is the only minor hair-line fracture is observed on the toe.”

They have taken him to the nearby medical center. On route to the clinic they all have the introduction of one another.

Inspector Paresh thanked Professor and the two detectives.

“Nurse will tie the normal pink bandage. Do have a rest for the few days" The doctor advised.

They all thanked Doctor and went to the hotel room where Hardeek was staying.

Once inside they make themselves comfortable. Paresh lay on the bed while the rest have taken the seats around him.

“Please pinch me hard to make sure that is I still in the dream? “ Inspector Paresh said.

“No this is not the dream but in any sense it is no lesser than the fantasy itself” Professor Jigar cleared his doubts.

“Now just please tell me how this fantasy and this devil of this fantasy had been created?" Inspector Paresh asked


“Now just please tell me how this fantasy and this devil of this fantasy had been created?" Inspector Paresh asked to them.

Professor Jigar, Ameet and Hardeek narrated the whole set of adventures encountered so far to him.

They told them that how Hardeek had found the strange glass bottle and then on about the papers that came out of this ancient glass bottle.

Inspector Paresh was observing the papers while Professor Jigar told him the whole story about the expedition of the Portuguese ship and its captain and the Vasco-Da-Gama.

Professor also told him about how they found a secret passage inside the cave where they met the Ashwastthama who was hiding the biggest discovery of the history of the mankind which was the fountain of the youth.

“Now I understood why that creature was referring about the ' Fountain of the Youth' “Inspector Paresh told to them.

“Correct. After bathing in that pool of the water, Vasco transformed in to the creature of the stone devil” Professor Jigar took a ship from his glass.

Paresh was still in the little bit shock and said “I am still in the shock that these kinds of events could be happen in this era also. Strange really it seems like it came straight out of the history books. “

Ameet said "You are right Sir. This is really an un-believable phenomenon had been occurred. Anyway we need to control this monster as soon as possible to stop the further killings”

“If this creature had bathed in so called 'Fountain of the youth' and transformed in to the stone devil , than how could we stop this supernatural creature? “ Paresh asked.

Hardeek replied "Ashwastthama narrated the unique cure of this horrible curse to the captian Pero De Alenquer when Vasco was bathing in the pool of the water. For that we need to continue the readings of the papers to identify the cure.”

Professor Jigar said to Ameet “Please read the letters of Captian Pero De Alenquer to identify the cure of this curse.”


Ameet started to read the letter of captain Pero De Alenquer for the cure of the 'Curse'

"While Vasco was bathing in the Fountain of the Youth, that old man Ashwastthama had told me the unique cure of this horrible curse”

Ameet was reading the papers while the rest are paying the utmost attention.

Ashwastthama had narrated the cure in this manner,

“To overcome this horrible curse, one needs to apply the combination of two great forces which are already available in this area."

Professor Jigar tried to say something but think otherwise and again looked at Ameet for the further reading of the papers.

"Only when the two powers from these two great force would combines, only than after this curse will be cured and the stone devil would be overpowered"

He further added that,

"The most important fact about these powers are that it would available only on the night of LUNAR ECLIPSE" Ameet paused and waited for the reaction of his audience.

“I am not getting anything“Hardeek said straightly.

“True very complicated “Inspector Paresh was also seemed confused.

“Professor, please resolve our doubts” Ameet looked at professor Jigar.

Professor Jigar explained “Guys, we need to find the two powers coming from the two different great forces which could be only available at the time of the LUNR ECLIPSE”


"We need to combine two powers coming from the two different great forces available only at the time of the Lunar Eclipse" Professor Jigar simplified.

"What are the two powers and which are the two great forces?" Hardeek asked

"For that answer again we need to read the papers of Captain Pero De Alenquer" Ameet said and resumed the reading of the papers.

"At the time of the Lunar Eclipse, the two kinds of very rare and special powers in the form of Rays will emerge from the combination of the Moon and Earth. These rays will fall on the water near two great forces" Ameet paused.

Hardeek said again "I am still not getting anything”

Professor Jigar took the charge "Allow me to simplify. During the Lunar Eclipse, the special and powerful rays will emerge. These rays will fall on the water near two great forces”

“Is the two great forces reefers to the two different places? “ Inspector Paresh asked

“Exactly. The two different places closed to the water where the powerful rays would fall “Professor Jigar said.

“The rays coming from the Lunar Eclipse would fall on the water near these two places. Right? “Hardeek seemed on the track.

"Correct. We need to first collect the water from two places upon which the rays have fallen. Than we need the combination the powerful water of those two places.” Professor Jigar confirmed.

“Thanks professor” Ameet said.

Inspector Paresh asked “But tell me which are those two places from where we need to collect the water? Which are the two great forces mentioned in the papers? “


"Which are the two places from where we need to collect the water? Which are the two great forces? “Paresh asked

“Good question. Ameet please resume the reading. The answer would be there only.” Professor Jigar asked to Ameet.

Ameet resumed the reading of the papers.

“An old man , the Ashwastthama had given the identification of the first place in this manner”

"The first place is established by five greatest warriors when they were on their exile. During their exile period they have built the source of this great force according to their body sizes.”

“This great place is situated under the rocks. It is surrounded by the crabs. The ocean always worships this force with its waves”

“This great force is the main course of the faith for the people and also the guardian of the this entire region”

“So collect the water of the waves which descends from this great force only when the powerful rays falls during the Lunar Eclipse”

This is the identification of the first place and the great force.


They all have ordered the more drinks and snacks from the room service.

Once their orders served and they started to give the justice to the same, Professor Jigar said “The narration about the first great force or the first place is matches to The Gangeshwar Temple”

"How?" Inspector Paresh asked.

“Listen. Catch the first line .What did it said that the first place had been built by the Five greatest warriors. Everybody knows who are the five greatest warriors. The Pandvas “

“Yes please go on “Ameet requested

“So there are indeed five Shivlingas at the Gangeshwar temple, am I right? “ Professor Jigar asked in the general.

“Yes there are five Shivalingas.” Inspector Paresh said

Professor Jigar continued his lecture " The next line, made according to their sizes, means each padavas had made each lingas according to their respective body sizes. Am I right Inspector? “

“Yes sir. Indeed the five lingas do vary in the shapes “Paresh answered.

“Great Professor. Than what? “Hardeek admired

“The Gangeshwar temple is situated under the sea rocks which are the habitant of crabs. The waves of the ocean enter in the temple and worship the Shivlingas." Professor Jigar concluded

“So when the lunar eclipse is occurring and the rays falls on the water above the Shivlingas, we need to collect that holy water “Inspector Paresh said.

“Correct” Professor Jigar confirmed.

"Superb so the first great force and the place is identified now what about the other? " Hardeek asked.


“The first great force is identified in the forms of Gangeshwar Temple, now what about the other great force?” Hardeek said

Professor looked at Ameet “For those please carry on your reading”

Ameet resumed the reading,

“This land is very fortunate that it had the blessings of Lord Vishnu”

Each one was listening very carefully.

“There was a great demon king who had been killed by the Lord Vishnu by trick. In the memory of that demon king, the festival of 'Tulsi- Vivah" is celebrated. His shrine has been situated in this land. The waves of water worships his divine shrine”

Ameet paused and waited for the reactions.

"Now who is this demon king who has been worshipped?” Hardeek asked

Professor Jigar replied “This refers to the legend of the great king Jalandhar, who was the husband of ' Sati Tulshi '. He was very powerful king. He was such a powerful that even Lord Vishnu had to kill him by trick.”

Everyone were listening him.

“To pay homage to this incident, the festival of “Tulshi-Vivah” is celebrated. The temple of King Jalandhar is in the Diu. Am I right Inspector? “Professor Jigar asked to Paresh.

"Of course you are Professor. His temple is on the cliffs near Jalandhar beach" Paresh replied.

Hardeek said “Cool so we need to collect the water from this Jalandhar shrine at the time of Lunar Eclipse?"

“Yes “Professor answered.

Ameet asked “So now that we have identified the both places Gangeshwar Temple and Jalandhar Shrine, now only we need to wait for the Lunar Eclipse"

He paused and asked to Jigar “Professor Please tell us when will the next Lunar Eclipse going to occur? “


“When is the next Lunar Eclipse?” Ameet asked

“Let me check it." Jigar said while he boots his laptop and goggled the calendar of the eclipses.

After examining the various pages, the professor said with the joy.

"Guys, the lady luck is indeed favoring us. You will be happy to know that the next lunar eclipse would occur on the next full moon's night.”

Everyone were started to observe on the screen of computer.

“The timing of the eclipse would be between 11 to 11.20 pm , so it would last for 20 minutes only" Jigar replied.

“It means that we have to finish our goal in 20 minutes only” Inspector Paresh said.

“What only for 20 mins! Holy Shit than how on earth we could manage to collect the powerful water from two different places in short period of just 20 minutes? It is not possible “Ameet said with deep concern in his voice.

“The good point, Ameet! It looks difficult in the first sight but we will make it easier” Professor Jigar replied with smile.

"How?" Hardeek asked

“Guys we would divide in the two teams.”Professor answered

“Means? “ Ameet asked

Jigar replied “Me and Hardeek will go to Gangeshwar Temple while Ameet and Paresh will go to the Jalandhar Shrine”


The fateful night had been arrived.

On the full moon's night when the Lunar Eclipse was scheduled to occur , the all four were gathered.

They all seated in the hotel room of Hardeek.

They had light snacks and little drinks as they would have hard times ahead.

Professor Jigar said to Inspector Paresh " How is your leg Sir? Are you sure you can perform the task? "

Paresh replied "Yes it is fine and I am sure that I will definitely complete my task as it is my foremost duty”

Ameet said "Agreed sir. Now what’s the plan?"

Jigar said “As decided, me and Hardeek will go to the Gangeshwar and will do our best while you and Inspector have to go at Jalandhar Shrine and finish your task there.”

“We need to reach to our respective location by latest 10.30 PM. There we would wait for the eclipse to occur and once it starts we would quickly collect the water and reach to the garden as soon as possible, Is it clear? “Professor Jigar said in one breathe.

"Seems OK to me" Inspector Paresh replied

“We too” Ameet and Hardeek said in unison.

Professor Jigar rose from his chair and said " So, my dear team, let’s do our best”


Jigar said “Let’s do the best”

9.45 pm

They all four have been ready to perform the actions.

Each team had one big water bottle flask.

They were ready for their locations.

10.10 pm

Ameet and Paresh have reached outside at Jalandhar Shrine with the large bottle of flask

The place was totally quite and calm and also seems deserted, no one was visible around.

10.20 pm

Jigar and Hardeek reached at Gangeshwar temple carrying the identical flask bottle

They saw few tourists were still lingering there at the temple premise.

They quietly set on the concrete bench and waited.

10.45 pm

Ameet indicated Paresh to descend on the rocky cliffs from the shrine towards the water

The cliff was sloppy and rocky.

They both started to descend slowly and steadily towards the water level

10.50 pm

By now Gangeshwar temple was also quite.

Jigar and Hardeek rose from the bench and went towards the Shiv Lingas.

They both were now on the last stair towards the shore on the temple

10.55 pm

They all prayed and waited for the Lunar Eclipse to occur.

11 pm

The Lunar Eclipse started to occur


11 pm

The Lunar Eclipse starts.

It was the marvelous natural phenomenon and they all became stunned by the real amusement

Jigar indicated Hardeek to collect the water at the exact time when the waves descends from the Shivlingas

11.05 pm

Inspector Paresh moved towards the cliff to fill up the bottle from the waves but he was not able to walk easily on the uneven rocky surface due to his injury

Ameet indicated him to stay on the edge of the cliff. He also told to help him while he would fetch the water

11.08 pm

Ameet was now on the last of the cliff of the rock and he bend himself on the cliff and starched his hand which was carrying a water bottle.

At the same time at the different location, Hardeek also placed the firm grip on the bottle and descends the last step and entered in to the temple complex where the shivlingas were situated.

11.10 pm

Due to the eclipse, there was the high current in the sea and big waves were hitting the shore.

Hardeek saw that the giant wave has been arrived. It hit on the all Shivlingas. The all phallus are hiding in the water.

Meanwhile Ameet's hand was about to reach the water level but suddenly his body starts to slips from the cliff and he finds himself rolling on the cliff and going towards the water.


11.11 pm

Ameet was about to fall in the water. All of sudden his fall has been stopped. He turns his back and found that Inspector Paresh had firmly gripped his ankles.

11.12 pm

Hardeek was now inside the pool of water and was searching for the Shivlingas at the Gangeshwar temple. The entire complex has been filled by sea water.

At that moment, Ameet started to fill the flask bottle from the water body in which the rays from the eclipse was falling directly at the Jalandhar shrine.

11.13 pm

Hardeek was unable to find the Shivlingas so he looked at Professor Jigar for his guidance. The waves from the sea were hitting the complex very hard.

Professor Jigar came closer to Hardeek for his help.

11.14 pm

At Jalandhar shrine, Ameet has filled the water bottle. His part of job was now complete. He and Paresh were ready to depart

11.15 pm

But at the Gangeshwar Temple the situation was not favorable.

Professor Jigar and Hardeek could not spot the correct place of Shivlingas because the water level was highly increasing at every moment.

Now water reached at about chest size to Jigar and about waist to Hardeek.

11.16 pm

The time was running out so Professor Jigar closed his nostrils and dived inside the water


11.16 pm

Professor Jigar dived under the water and started to swim towards the Shivlingas.

All of the sudden something bite him in his right hand and he felt the sudden degree of pain there.

He came outside the water and saw that one big crab has inserted his fangs on his hand.

11.17 pm

Professor Jigar took out the pocket knife from his pocket and fetch out the crab from his skin.

Crab came out from his skin. He throws it far from him.

He again felt the immense pain but he tied the hankie on the wound and again dived under the water

Professor Jigar saw the water above the Shivlingas were illuminating due to the rays which were falling directly from the eclipse

Jigar admired the natural wonder and started to feel the bottle

11.18 pm

Professor Jigar came out from the water. He rested on the stairs by taking the long breaths.

Hardeek was caressing his back to help him to get his composure back.

11.19 pm

The two groups congrats each other and going to meet at the garden

11.20 pm

The Lunar eclipse finished


Professor Jigar and Hardeek have reached at the outside of the Garden where Ameet and Inspector Paresh were already waiting for them.

They greeted and congratulated one another. They quickly share their respective adventures.

Ameet saw a hankie has been tied to Jigar's hand and inquired about it and in reply Jigar narrated his underwater adventure.

Paresh and Ameet both congratulated him again for his brave efforts inside the water.

Ameet raised his flask water bottle and said "So now the divine powers are with us, what would be our final action plans?"

Professor Jigar replied “To defeat the monster we need to be very careful. It also requires our clever and courageous actions to get hold the monster”

He further added “At some point of time we may looked small but team be united and we could defeat him”

Inspector Paresh said “Sure sir, we would definite defeat the monster."

Professor Jigar described the complete set of action plans to the team and after ending his narration he said with firm enthusiasm,

"So guys lets DESTROY the History!"

They all entered in the garden


They all entered in the garden and took their positions.

According to the plan Inspector Paresh set on the same bench which was in the dark corner of the garden. He was carrying the flask water bottle with him.

Ameet and Hardeek were also on their assigned place. They were highly alerted and waiting for the things started to happen. They were desperate to perform their actions.

Professor Jigar, who was carrying the other flask bottle, has also taken his assigned place. His position was in such strategic corner where he could easily monitor the activity near the Paresh and at the same time he could signal the Ameet and Hardeek.

They all have been waiting for the monster with their fingers crossed.

Ameet and Hardeek were ready to perform the task. So was the professor.

Inspector Paresh was also desperate to meet the monster and get the balance sheet equal.

After few moments of the silence than hear the loud footsteps which were coming towards them.

The feelings of Adeline rushed in to their bodies.


Inspector Paresh felt that someone is standing behind him.

He turned immediately and saw the monster was standing. Inspector Paresh remembered his last encounter with him and his body shivered little bit.

In the very next moment he got his composure back. He gathered all his courage and fired the two rounds of bullets directly on the monster's eyes.

The aim of the bullets were accurate and bullets hits directly in to the eyes of the monster.

Vasco was taken aback by the sudden firing. He closed his eyes. But soon he got his composure and raised his hammer but Paresh was not in his place.

Professor Jigar gave the signal to the Ameet and Hardeek. They were ready for the next set of moves.

Inspector Paresh was running towards the last corner of the garden. Vasco was followed him.

By now Inspector Paresh has reached at the end of the Garden. Reaching at the corner he again fired the bullets on the monster’s eyes.

The impact of bullets was much stronger this time. Vasco put his hammer aside and rubbed his eyes with his palms.

At that crucial point of time, Professor Jigar indicated Ameet and Hardeek to perform.


Professor Jigar indicated Ameet and Hardeek to perform.

Ameet was carrying the long water pipe which was ad joint to the nearby garden water tank while Hardeek was having the strong rope.

When Vasco was rubbing his eyes, Hardeek throw the rope on the neck of monster and he fell on the ground.

As the monster fell on the ground, Ameet aimed pipe on the fallen monster.

The big and quick stream of water was pounding on the entire body of the stone man.

He started to begin wet and because of his stone structure the wetness due to continuous water was making him much heavier. In result he could not able to stand easily and give the fight.

After making sure that the monster is not on the position to resist, Professor Jigar and Inspector Paresh opened their flask bottles and started to pour the holy water on the fallen monster's body.

Especially on the heart of the monster.


Inspector Paresh and Professor Jigar started to pour the holy water on the body of the fallen monster.

The monster was yelling.

They emptied the entire bottle on the heart of the monster and they went few steps behind to see the impact of the holy water.

The holy water started to work as the monster was rubbing his hands and legs on the soil and making the strange noises as if he was feeling the extreme heat from inside.

The monster was now losing his all energy and strengths. He was yelling with the pain in his voice.

The body of the monster started to melt and the stone particles on his body were losing its grip and falling on the ground.

After some time the miracle happened.

With their surprise the stone particles had been totally melt and now they were watching the normal human white body was lying in front of them.

They came closer to the man and started to inspect the Vasco-Da-Gama in his natural form who was taking his last breath.


They started to inspect the man.

What in front of them was the best explorer world could ever see. They were watching the great Vasco-Da-Gama.

He was taking his last breath.

His eyes moved towards the each face. The hint of the smile came on the lips of dying man.

The all four seat on the ground beside the explorer.

And he died.


The team just came out of the special award ceremony to be held for Inspector Paresh and went to the nearby bar.

Earlier the commissioner has secretly arranged the burial of the dead body of Vasco Da Gama without creating any buzz to the media or to the public.

Inspector Paresh has been awarded and now promoted to ACP for his heroic performance.

The team was enjoying in the bar and Professor Jigar’s phone rang.

After completing the call he said “Unfortunate my mentor, Dr Bhaskar Raval has found some secret book hidden inside the chamber of the museum. He has asked me to decipher to book.

The team said in unison “Let’s Go”

-------------------------THE END-----------------------------------